CMSA algorithm for solving the prioritized pairwise test data generation problem in software product lines.
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(2020). Evaluation of alternative design choices for evolutionary mutation testing by means of automated configuration.
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(2020). An experimental and practical study on the equivalent mutant connection: An evolutionary approach.
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(2020). Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceApplications of Evolutionary ComputationIterated Granular Neighborhood Algorithm for the Taxi Sharing Problem.
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(2020). A systematic literature review of the SBSE research community in Spain.
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(2020). Efficient anytime algorithms to solve the bi-objective Next Release Problem.
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(2019). Facing robustness as a multi-objective problem: A bi-objective shortest path problem in smart regions.
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(2019). Local optima network analysis for MAX-SAT.
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(2019). Quasi-Optimal Recombination Operator.
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(2019). CMSA para el problema de la generación de casos de prueba priorizados en líneas de productos software.
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(2018). EARMO: An Energy-Aware Refactoring Approach for Mobile Apps.
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(2018). Editorial for the special issue on metaheuristics for combinatorial optimization.
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(2018). Efficient Refactoring Scheduling Based On Partial Order Reduction.
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(2018). Enhancing partition crossover with articulation points analysis.
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(2018). Exact search-space size for the refactoring scheduling problem.
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(2018). Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceAdvances in Artificial IntelligenceStudying Solutions of the p-Median Problem for the Location of Public Bike Stations.
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(2018). Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceAdvances in Artificial IntelligenceAn Intelligent Advisor for City Traffic Policies.
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(2018). Natural evolution tells us how to best make goods delivery.
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(2018). NK Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Clustering.
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(2018). Optimal Neuron Selection and Generalization: NK Ensemble Neural Networks.
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(2018). Tunneling between plateaus: improving on a state-of-the-art MAXSAT solver using partition crossover.
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, {GECCO} 2018, Kyoto, Japan, July 15-19, 2018.